About ​
History isn't just about dates, places, and battles. It's about real people who lived, loved, suffered, lost, persevered and triumphed in life, just like us. Making life-long learners, creating connection and access is what the Fort Nisqually Foundation does.
We believe that helping people be life-long learners is important for health and longevity, that is why we fundraise to provide enhanced, hands-on, learning experiences like Crafts of the Past each summer.
We want young and young-at-heart alike to feel connected to their past. Connection helps us gain a better understanding of the challenges our forefathers faced and inspires compassion for them. To help create a tangible connection, we fund the ongoing care and acquisition of historically relevant artifacts and books for research. Additionally, we fund rotating exhibits at Fort Nisqually to ensure that the over 1,700 artifacts we have are able to be interpreted and viewed by our visitors.
We recognize that not every family has the ability to pay for a field trip for their students. We strive to eradicate barriers to access, we have created a scholarship program and funded over 800 students this year alone to attend an educational tour of Fort Nisqually.
History matters. Learning about the past helps you learn about who you really are today and connects you to your unique heritage. It establishes connection, something we all desire, and helps us identify our own purpose.
Connect with the past and help usher in a better future. It's a big mission, but we think it's worth the effort to preserve this gem and its history for future generations.

Thanks to the generosity of several local foundations, the Fort Nisqually Foundation was able to fund the orientation exhibits for the fort's Visitor Center.